Vitamin C does what?!

Vitamin C acts as a virucide and bactericide and can shrink tumors. It can also treat over 30 major diseases.

James and the Giant Cure

I first stumbled across this mind-blowing information in a documentary called Food Matters. This engrossing film discusses a range of issues concerning food, including how to use food to combat depression and natural cancer therapies. This film is critical for anyone interested in learning how to use food therapeutically. A good overview of the documentary can be found here.

Back to Vitamin C. I’ve reconfigured my thinking about it after personally experiencing its affects. I’ll tell you this: it’s more than just a vitamin as we know vitamins. In high doses, it does some pretty unexpected and incredible work in our bodies.

You’d think I’d put this information right to practice. Fact is, even though I internalized that Vitamin C can kill viruses and bacteria with piqued interest, I forgot about it. It wasn’t until about a month later that I was able to test out Vitamin C’s potential.

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